Monday, September 21, 2009

This is why I Train and Race:

To be fit
To improve my swim performance
To improve my bike performance
To be able to eat what I want to
To be able to drink what I want to
To keep my heart healthy
To train and spend time with my wife
To keep my abdominals ripped
To keep my pectorials in shape
To keep my blood pressure low
To keep my motivation for doing stuff
To be outdoors more
To be a great husband
To be social
To think clearer
To meet friends
To push myself
To push others to do well
To push myself to do well
To travel
To prove to myself that it is worth it
To prove to my family they can be proud
To sweat
To feel that rush as I cross the finish line
To go fast
To keep my muscles strong
To keep my mind active
To help those less fortunate
To keep my motivation for moving
To insipre others
To help me have a goal every few weeks, days, months
To push my mind
To improve my outlook on life
To improve othrs outlook on life
To party hard afterwards
To keep my wife healthy
To keep my stamina up
To wake up and see the sunrise durning a workout or race
To go to bed knowing I did my best
To expierence those spritual moments while racing
To be beat my PR from the last race

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey I love your blog! I am so proud of you. Keep it up my dear, the world is your oyster and you are my pearl!

